Take the Plunge into Wild Swimming!

Have you ever arrived at a tranquil lake or rippling river whilst out walking and wished you were brave enough, equipped enough and confident enough to embrace a refreshing swim?  Maybe you dream of taking an early morning swim to awaken you as the sun rises, or taking a relaxing dip as it sets? Wild swimming, also known as open water swimming, is one of the most wonderful and exhilarating ways to experience the beauty of the outdoors!

Whilst it might seem daunting at first, wild swimming is an activity that women of all ages and abilities can enjoy.  Here at Women Outdoors we’re passionate about empowering women to explore the beautiful countryside that surrounds them.  Wild water swimming is both fun and relaxing, with the cool waters just waiting to be embraced!

Pack your sense of adventure – it’s time to go wild!

swimming lakes

Wild & Wonderful: The Benefits of Open Water Swimming

Wild swimming isn’t just about exercise; it’s a holistic experience that nourishes both body and mind.

  • Physical Fitness: Open water swimming is a fantastic way to improve your cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and increase endurance.

  • Mental Wellbeing: Immersing yourself in nature has a powerful effect on reducing stress and anxiety. The rhythmic movements of swimming and the tranquillity of the natural environment can leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

  • Boosts Immunity: Studies suggest that regular cold water exposure can improve circulation and potentially boost your immune system.

  • Connection with Nature: Wild swimming allows you to experience the beauty of the natural world in a whole new way. You’ll develop a deeper appreciation for the environment and the joy of being outdoors.

  • A Sense of Adventure: Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new can be incredibly empowering. Wild swimming offers a chance to challenge yourself and discover a newfound sense of freedom and accomplishment.
Swimming Waterfall

Essential Gear for Wild Swimming – Your Sense of Adventure!

If your wild water swim is a spur of the moment encounter with beautiful, calm waters, then of course, the only thing you really need is your sense of adventure and a sensible head!  However, we’ve listed below some of Women Outdoors’ recommended essentials, particularly aimed at ladies, to ensure your wild swim is fun, relaxing and invigorating…….and likely to become addictive too!

What Should I Wear While Wild Swimming?

A smile is all that some feel they need to wear while taking a cheeky dip, however, remember the water can get a little chilly, and the ground may not always be soft golden sands, so to avoid any blushes or bruises, here’s what we at Women Outdoors suggest.

  • Wetsuit Swimsuit:  Choose a well-fitting wetsuit swimsuit that you feel comfortable in, ideally with a zipped front for easy undressing.  These will help keep you warm in the water, can protect you from bumps and scrapes on rocks or branches, and are quick drying too.  Brightly coloured swimsuits are a good idea for visibility.

  • Swim Shoes: Swim shoes are great for protecting your feet from sharp rocks or uneven terrain when getting in and out of the water, as well as projecting you from any unexpected rocks, etc that you may encounter in the water. Always ensure water shoes fit well with a good grip.

  • Swim Cap: Whilst a swim cap isn’t essential, and many ladies don’t like the restriction of them, as well as keeping your hair drier, they can help keep your head warm in cooler waters too. Also, by wearing a brightly coloured swim cap, it’s a great way of keeping safe, by being easily spotted in the water.

  • Whistle and Buoy: Always prioritise safety! If you know your limits, and you only plan a gentle dip close to the lakeshore or riverbank, then these may not be essential. However, as your confidence grows, and you feel you’d like to start to venture further afield, take a whistle to attract attention if needed, and consider using a brightly coloured buoy to increase your visibility in the water.

  • Sun protection:  On sunny days, don’t forget sunscreen to shield yourself from the sun’s rays which will be reflecting from the water.
Swim Costume

How Will I Get Changed After My Wild Swim?

This is a question we at Women Outdoors get asked often!  Some feel it’s not quite so easy for women to get changed discretely.  Well, with a little forward planning, you’ll be absolutely fine, and you’ll be able to keep your white bits completely under wraps!

  • A Poncho:  We absolutely love these swim changing robes and recommend them to all the ladies that join us on our organised wild water swims.  They’re affordable and are just the job!  You can get undressed, dry yourself, and get redressed discretely. Some ponchos are made from towelling, so you can use them to dry yourself, or you can buy specialist ponchos that are extra warm, waterproof and windproof, in which case you may need a towel too.  Like any new hobby, start with the essentials, then you can always improve your gear as you get more and more addicted to the open waters.

  • Lightweight Towel:  If you don’t wish to use a robe, a lightweight, quick drying towel is essential for drying off after your swim, which fold easily to fit into your backpack too.

  • Waterproof bag:  Be sure to keep your belongings safe and dry on the water’s edge, with a waterproof bag or dry bag.

  • Snacks and Drinks:  You’ll burn lots of calories during your swim, particularly if the water is cold, and you’re likely to get thirsty especially when its warm.  So, ensure you pack plenty of water and snacks to refuel after your swim.

Swim, sit back, dry off and admire the surrounding countryside from the waters edge with your well-deserved treats, feeling relaxed and invigorated!

Safety First: Essential Precautions for Wild Swimmers

We want all ladies to have fun and feel invigorated in the water, however, safety must come first and is paramount when venturing into open water. Here’s some key things we need you to consider before you take the plunge:

  • Know your limits:  Don’t overestimate your swimming ability.  Start slowing and gradually increase the distance and duration of your swims as you gain confidence and stamina.

  • Beginners never swim alone:   Always have a buddy with you, even if they’re not planning to enter the water, so that they can raise the alarm if you are struggling.

  • Research your location: Choose a swimming spot familiar to you or one with good reviews for safety and water quality. Look out for signage or warnings in the area such as green algae which should be avoided.  Head for quieter water spots too, where you aren’t likely to encounter motorboats.

  • Check the water conditions:  Be aware of the water temperature, current strength, and depth before entering. Avoid swimming in fast-flowing water, during heavy rain, or after recent storms.

  • Acclimatise gradually: Avoid entering cold water too quickly. Take your time wading in, being careful of what is underfoot, and allow your body to adjust to the temperature.  Entering gradually this way, will allow your body to climatise and avoid the risk of cold-water shock.

  • Listen to your body: Be mindful of any signs of cold-water shock, such as shivering, hyperventilation, or muscle cramps. Get out of the water immediately if you experience any discomfort.
Swim Pool

Finding Your Paradise: The Best Locations for Beginners

The UK countryside boasts a wealth of hidden gems perfect for wild swimmers, from huge open lakes, cascading rivers, and hidden tarns. The list is endless, and your chosen waters may appear unexpectedly, enticing you for a refreshing dip.

  • Tarns: These small, glacial lakes nestled in mountainous regions offer a unique and picturesque swimming location, often with very few people around enabling you to submerge into a truly relaxing experience.  Scotland’s mountainous landscape has an abundance of tarns to enjoy.  Check out more of Scotland’s Wild Water Swimming Spots here.
Swimming Tarn

Take the Plunge: Getting Started with Wild Swimming

Feeling brave enough to gone one step further than dipping your toes? Here are some final tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable first experience:

  • Join a group: Many outdoor swimming groups organise wild swimming sessions specifically for beginners. This is a fantastic way to learn from experienced swimmers, gain confidence, and discover new locations.  Here at Women Outdoors, we offer regular Wild Water Swims, lead by experienced Swimmers with like minded ladies, in our beautiful national parks.

  • Start small: Begin with short swims in shallow, sheltered areas and gradually build up the distance and duration as you get comfortable.

  • Embrace the elements: Wild swimming is learning to appreciate the invigorating coolness of the water and the fresh air on your skin.

  • Focus on the experience: Don’t worry about how far or fast you can swim. Focus on enjoying the feeling of being in the water, the beauty of your surroundings, and the sense of adventure.

Remember, the team at Women Outdoors are here to support you on your outdoor adventures. We have a wealth of resources and information to help you explore the great outdoors with confidence. 

swim 1 scaled 525 min

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