Solo Hiking: Skills and Confidence Building for Beginners

What are the Benefits of Solo Hiking?

Solo hiking in beautiful countryside, uplifted by the heartening sounds of birdsong, and the invigorating fragrance of fresh green foliage, is a magical experience.   Something all women should experience and enjoy!  

There’s nothing more wonderful than discovering new landscapes, the optimism you feel watching the sun rise and the tranquillity of watching it set.  A time for reflection, taking time to connect with nature, listening to the relaxing sounds of cascading waterfalls, excited by the sights of unexpected wildlife, and admiring the beauty of swaying meadow flowers.  The sense of achievement when you reach that summit or complete that walk you previously thought not possible, is a fabulous feeling. 

Experiencing all of this in your own time with a solo hike is truly wonderful.  It allows you to connect with nature, at your own pace, whilst enjoying the peace and quiet, embracing the physical and mental health benefits this brings.  It’s a chance to test your limits, build confidence, and discover a newfound sense of independence.  Studies show that spending time outdoors can significantly improve mental well-being, reduce stress, and even boost creativity – all fantastic benefits to reap from an outdoor adventure.


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How to Start Hiking Alone?

Sadly, for many women, the thought of solo hiking, whether turning up alone as part of an organised group, or completely unaccompanied, can be very daunting.  Here at Women Outdoors we want ALL women, of ALL fitness levels, from ALL walks of life, to be able to enjoy the wonders of the great outdoors and the benefits it brings. 

To get you started ladies, we’ve put together a handy guide to give you the knowledge, skills and most importantly, the confidence to enable you to embark on your own solo hiking adventures!

Solo Hiking

Boost Your Confidence: Essential Tips for Taking That First Solo Hike!

Taking that first step towards solo hiking is all about building confidence.  As you lace up your walking boots, you want to feel relaxed and reassured that you’re not going to get lost, that you’re going to be fit enough to complete the walk, and maybe even that there’s somewhere to stop for a toilet break!  Women Outdoors want to show you how to build your confidence and teach you new skills for your solo hiking adventure!

Start Small and Easy

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Start Challenging Yourself with New Routes

  • Buy a book!  Following simple step by step walking routes from a reliable source such as walking guidebooks or downloaded routes from reputable website can be a great way to get you started if you’re not quite ready to tackle a map and compass.  They’re also great fun for kids, if you intend to take your children with you.  We’ve put together our Top 10 Walks for Solo Female Walkers, which are generally easier routes, on well-defined, popular paths, with toilet stops enroute!


  • Download a Hiking App:  If you’ve not discovered hiking apps yet, such as Outdooractive, they’re a great back up!  Whilst some may say they’re not as reliable as a good old-fashioned map and compass, if you’re following straight forward paths and trails, and not going too off-piste, they’re a great idea to get you started.  They’re great as backup to your step-by-step route, or to your map once you’ve mastered your navigation skills too.

  • Practice Navigation: Mastering basic navigation is essential for solo hiking, when you’re venturing onto less traversed paths. Invest in a good map and compass and learn how to use them.  Practice using both map and compass in familiar territory before venturing out alone.  Here at Women Outdoors we offer regular Navigation Courses in the Peak District with like minded ladies, providing you with the map reading skills you’ll need to feel even more confident on your travels.

  • Research, Research, Research: Before heading out, thoroughly research your chosen route.  Look for information on distance, difficulty, elevation gain, and nearby facilities.  Make sure the route is suitable for you and gradually push yourself that little bit more as you gain in confidence.  Check the route for landmarks you may encounter, so that you can reassure yourself that you’re on the right track when you spot them on the day.

  • Refreshment Stops:  We understand that some ladies can be concerned about the need for toilet breaks.  As you build your self-confidence, you may feel more relaxed sneaking behind a bush – we’ve all had to do it at some point!  However, until you’re comfortable with this, check your route for facilities such as public toilets at the start/end, or villages you may pass enroute with cafes or pubs, where you can refuel and relieve!  We’ve put together a great set of walks, all with toilet breaks at the start, middle or end!
Women Outdoors Navigation

Gear Up for Adventure: Essential Kit for Solo Hiking!

One of the best things about walking – it’s cheap!  If you park responsibly and take your own lunch, it can even be free!  Even better – you don’t need lots of expensive equipment to get you started! 

  • The Essentials:
    There are only a handful of key essentials!

    – Mobile phone with battery life
    – Good walking boots
    – Walking socks 
    – Waterproof jacket
    – Small backpack
    – Small first aid kit
    – Water bottle


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  • The Good to Haves:
    Once you start to fall in love with walking and choose to head out on more difficult terrain, the following are good to have:

    – Walking poles
    – Waterproof trousers
    – Layers
    – Sun hat
    – Sunglasses
    – Warm hat

Women Outdoors Hats

Pack Smart:
Pack light but ensure you have all the essentials
– Fully charged phone 
– Navigation tools (walking route, map, compass, GPS device)
– Appropriate extra clothing for the weather
– Medication (including hay fever tablets)
– A basic first-aid kit
– Plenty of water and snacks
– Sanitary products and tissue.
 – Sun protection
– A delicious, packed lunch to reward your efforts!

Navigation Course

Essential Safety Tips for Solo Hikers!

Being prepared for the unexpected is an essential part of solo hiking. Here are some tips:

  • Know Your Limits: Don’t be afraid to turn back if the weather worsens, the terrain becomes too challenging, or you simply don’t feel comfortable continuing. There’s no shame in prioritising your safety and trying again another time.

  • Be Prepared for the Elements: Check the weather forecast.  Pack clothing that can be layered to adapt to changing weather conditions. Always be prepared for the possibility of rain, even if the weather report looks sunny, and likewise sun cream if the forecast is rain.

  • First-Aid: Carry a first-aid kit, and ideally learn basic first aid if you can.

  • Leave a Detailed Itinerary: Inform a friend or family member about your planned route, start and finish times, and expected return time. This way, someone knows where you are and can raise the alarm if you don’t return as expected.

  • Get Technical:  Share your location with a trusted friend or family member on Google Maps, or similar App.  Download What3Words, so that you can share your exact location in case of an emergency.
Solo Hiking

Mind Over Mountain: Conquering Mental Hurdles for Solo Hiking Success!

It’s natural to feel a sense of apprehension about solo hiking. Here are some tips to overcome those mental hurdles:

  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Acknowledge your fears, but don’t let them hold you back.  Turn negative thoughts into positive affirmations. For example, instead of thinking “I’m going to get lost,” tell yourself, “I’m prepared with a map, compass, and walking apps. I can navigate my way back if needed.”

  • Focus on the Positive: Visualise yourself successfully completing your solo hike. Imagine the sense of accomplishment, the beautiful scenery, and the feeling of empowerment you’ll experience.

  • Celebrate Small Victories: As you gain experience with solo hiking, acknowledge your progress. Celebrate each completed hike, no matter how short or easy.  We find a huge slice of cake is a fabulous reward! This builds confidence and motivates you to keep exploring.

  • Embrace the Challenge: View solo hiking as an opportunity for personal growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone is empowering and allows you to discover hidden strengths and resilience.
Solo Hiking

Women Outdoors: Your Supportive Community for Solo Hiking Adventures!

Here at Women Outdoors we have a strong passion for all women to enjoy the great outdoors!  Either on a solo hike, together with our supported network of likeminded ladies, or by teaching the skills and giving you the confidence to enable you to enjoy walking alone or with your own family and friends.

Solo Female Walkers

Embrace the Solo Hike: Unforgettable Adventures Await!

Solo hiking is an enriching and empowering experience that allows you to connect with nature and yourself on a deeper level. With the right preparation, confidence, and a supportive community like Women Outdoors, you’re well on your way to embarking on unforgettable solo adventures. So, lace up your boots ladies, grab your backpack, and get ready to explore the beauty of the outdoors at your own pace.

Remember, the most important piece of equipment you can bring is your sense of adventure!

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