Mental Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature!

A Mental Health Remedy at Your Door.....

Did you know, there are many mental health benefits to spending time in nature?  In today’s fast-paced world of work, chores and financial strains, it’s easy for women to feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.  Often leading causing stress, anxiety and even depression.

There are many things that can cause stress and anxiety.  Responsibilities, juggling work and home, managing finances, or maybe a family a bereavement or marriage break up.  Any of these, or an accumulation of several, can negatively affect both our physical and mental health.  Leaving us feeling lethargic, sad, alone and even depressed.

Did you know there’s a simple, natural remedy waiting just outside your door, that’s very affordable and often free?  Spending time in nature offers a wealth of physical and mental health benefits for women.  Allowing you to reconnect with yourself while embarking on a wonderful escape from the pressures of daily life.

Mental Health

Nature’s Positive Calming Effects

Studies show that spending time in nature can lower our stress hormone levels, whilst increasing hormones which are specifically associated with feelings of happiness and general wellbeing.  Leaving us feeling calmer and more relaxed.  By spending time outdoors, you can soon feel reconnected, recharged and rejuvenated!  

Mental Health

Picture yourself on a peaceful walk through lush woodlands, the dappled light shining through the trees, the gentle sound of birdsong filling the air. The crunch of your hiking boots on the leafy floor during an autumn stroll, or the calming scent of pine needles, all creating a sense of tranquillity.

Careful sunshine exposure also plays a role in regulating and uplifting our mood by promoting the natural production of vitamin D.  Soaking up the sun on a scenic hike or while enjoying a relaxing picnic in the park, will naturally elevate your mood as you embrace the beauty of the outdoors.

Autumn Walk

Escape the Screen & Embrace the Green!

We’re constantly bombarded by technology, from emails to social media notifications. This constant digital distraction can be overwhelming, contributing to feelings of anxiety.

Disconnecting from technology and connecting with nature allows your mind to de-clutter and refocus.  Whether you’re simply pottering in the garden, enjoying a gentle stroll in a local park, or enjoying a weekend hike, immersing yourself in the sights, smells and sounds of nature provides a welcome break from digital noise, which in turn improves your mental health.

So, put those phones away, pop them on silent and try to forget about them for a while!

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How Else Can Spending Time in Nature Improve Your Mental Health?

How you choose to spend your time, whether it be alone in your own thoughts, or in company of likeminded ladies, there are many positive rewards. There are many mental health benefits that nature can bring to you, but also, the benefits you’ll feel when you share it with others!

  • We now know, that simply being outdoors can help reduce stress and anxiety through natural processes and hormone release.

  • The sights, sounds, and smells of nature are perfect for practicing mindfulness techniques to improve your mental health.

  • By getting active, you’ll also burn calories, tone muscle, improving your physical health, which in turn will have a positive impact on your mental health too.

  • As you learn new skills and gain independence, you’ll start to build your confidence and self-esteem.

  • Mixing with others, either while out and about, or by joining groups such as Women Outdoors,  you’ll meet new people, building friendships and reducing loneliness.
navigation course

Build Confidence and Connections with Women Outdoors

All of those things are great but imagine how amazing you’ll feel if you start to help others and you get to share their joy! 

Picture a lady joining you on a hike for the first time, maybe a little shy and lacking in confidence, maybe not as fit as they’d like to be.  Imagine how pleased you’ll be when they start chatting and their confidence builds.  Even better, imagine if they’re worried about the climb ahead, and the elation they’ll feel, when you’ve supported them in their quest to reach the summit!  How incredible do you think all of that will make you feel?  Supporting others and sharing their joy is one of the most empowering feelings and obviously improves your own mental health too!

Women Outdoors provides a supportive and encouraging environment where you can connect with like-minded women who share your love for the outdoors.

We believe that every woman deserves to experience the benefits of spending time outdoors. We offer a variety of outdoor activities designed to cater to all fitness levels and interests. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a complete beginner keen to get outdoors, we have something for you.

Join us for a guided hike, a relaxing paddleboard session, a navigation day, or a beginner-friendly climbing course in The Peak District.   Our supportive and experienced female instructors will guide you every step of the way, helping you build confidence and discover the joy of outdoor adventures. 

Our friendly, knowledgeable guides will also be able to teach you about the beauty of the flora and the fauna that surrounds you.

So, ditch the stress, disconnect from the digital world, and take a step towards a healthier, happier you! Lace up your boots, take a deep breathe, and embrace the positive effects of spending time in nature!

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