What If I Need the Toilet on a Hike? A Guide for the bold and beautiful!

What Do I do If I Need the Toilet While Out Walking?

‘’What do I do if I need the toilet?’’ is a question we are often asked at Women Outdoors and would you believe, the thought of needing the toilet is sometimes the one thing that prevents ladies from exploring the great outdoors.  Fear not, as we’re here to help answer that question and will have you skipping down those country lanes with confidence!

Go Prepared!

First things first, preparation is key!  

  • Going back to basics – make sure you try to go to the toilet before you leave the house or at the start of your route!

  • Check your route before you leave, to see if there are any toilets at the start/end or en route, which may then give you little extra confidence.

    Check out this handy website, which maps out all the public toilets in your area!  Also, have a look at our blog, Solo Female Walkers: Top 10 Walks in the UK.  All routes have toilets at the start or en route for your reassurance.

  • Whatever you do, don’t be reluctant to drink less – hydration is vitally important on your walks, so be sure to pack plenty of water.

  • Ensure you’ve packed your hygiene essentials:

    1. Tissues

    2. A disposable bag. (Apologies for the comparison, but dog poo bags can often come in handy to take away your used tissues and sanitary items – but we’ll come to that later – we’ve got it all covered ladies!)

    3. Hand sanitiser

    4. Folding trowel – Whilst not at all essential, for longer hikes, this can be handy too, as mentioned below!

    5. SheWee – Whilst this isn’t essential you may consider this nifty little device that allows you to wee more discretely!

Embrace the Outdoors – Wee and be Free!

Now, what to do when needs must in great outdoors itself!  If you’re on a walk and suddenly need the toilet, don’t let that worrying urge stop you enjoying your walk.  ‘’You gotta go, when you gotta go!

Public loos might be scarce, but fear not, the countryside offers its own private spaces.  There are many discreet spots behind trees, bushes or countryside walls, well away from public paths.  You can even ask a friend to keep guard if you are worried that you may be spotted.  You might cringe at the thought of this, but honestly, female hikers do this all the time – especially those on long hikes.  You won’t be the first and you definitely won’t be the last.  Men do it freely– so why shouldn’t us ladies! 

Simply squat, to do what you’ve got to do and put any tissues in a disposable bag (dog poo bags or sandwich bags are great), ready to bin at your earliest convenience.  Or, as mentioned, maybe try a SheWee to go even more discretely and potentially prevent you from having to squat.  Finally, wash your hands with water or use hand sanitiser.  Simples! Nobody will be none the wiser!


The BIG Question – What do I do if I need a number two????

For the poos or ‘’number twos’’ a little more planning is needed, but don’t worry, it’s still not a problem.  If you don’t have a stop of point en route, you’ve got a few options here ladies and they’re going to make you cringe, but when needs must you can either……..bury it, cover it or bin it!  You’re probably wincing and thinking – ‘’oh no!’’, but just remember the coolest long-distance hikers do it, so it’s cool for you to do it too!  Okay, let’s cut to it -here’s the drill ladies!

  1. Find your spot: Discreetly find a private spot behind trees, bushes, walls.  For those who are choosing to bury or cover, look for areas with loose soil for easier digging or loose rocks.

  2. Prepare your spot: For those planning to bury it, dig a small hole deep.  To prove it’s a normal occurrence, there are small foldable trowels you can buy!

  3. Do your business:  Simply do what you gotta do!

  4. Bury or cover the evidence:  Ensure the waste is in the hole and cover it completely with the soil, or the loose rocks. Ta da – no one will ever know, particularly if you’ve found a very discreet place. Mountain leader experts advise that ‘’it’’ decomposes in the sun, wind and rain in just a couple of days so it’s actually the quickest, most natural way to dispose of it.!…………..Now, that we’ve got that bit out of the way, lets quickly move on!

  5. Bag it: Wrap any used toilet paper or wipes in a waste bag.

  6. Bin It: – Should you choose to go for the ‘’bin option’’, then your best bet is to take a disposable plastic container. (A takeaway Chinese or Indian container will be just the job………for your job!).  Then simply bin your container and your bag at your earliest convenience.

This pack of five dry bags are a great idea for bringing away any general waste, or ”special waste”.  Simply put your disposable bag in one of these handy bags and pop it in the washing machine when you’re home.  Even better, they clip to the side of your bag!

Distance Matters!

Mountain leaders recommend you are at least 30 metres (about 100 steps) away from any water source (rivers, streams, lakes) for both peeing and pooing. This helps prevent contamination and keeps the water clean for everyone, including wildlife.

What Should I Do When on My Period While Out Walking?

When it comes to that time of the month, periods and the countryside can co-exist beautifully. Just pack a few extra sanitary products than usual and a disposable bag for any waste, so that you can simply bag it and bin it as above.  Maybe taking a little extra protection such as a liner, sanitary pad or even special period pants with an absorbent gusset if you usually wear a tampon, or for those that wear pads an extra absorbent sanitary towel just for reassurance.

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Loo With a View!

Remember, ladies, the outdoors is for everyone, and the occasional “loo with a view” is all part of the adventure! So grab your boots, your hygiene essentials and get ready to conquer those trails! After all, a little planning goes a long way, and a full bladder shouldn’t hold you back from experiencing the magic of the countryside!


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